I always thought it would be cool if A was one of the liars, so I enjoyed the twist of Spencer’s twin.
This past Tuesday, one of the most insane-sounding shows on television took its final bow.
“I’m still here, bitches, and I know everything.” With that terrifying text, the lives of four teenage girls were thrown into a seven-year stretch of intimidation, manipulation, backstabbing, bullying, incarceration, addiction, and near-death experiences at the hands of a nefarious figure known simply as A. According to our findings, a bird once sang the tones of a phone number to the lying girls and that number… led to nowhere at all. People will miss you, craziest show on television!
Pretty Little Liars made stars out of Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, and Shay Mitchell—among a slew of other pretty young things that flooded the series—and put Freeform, formerly ABC Family, on the map as a destination for noisy originals. Now that the show has finally bowed out after a long, formidable seven seasons, Anthem asked PLL alum Dre Davis—she played Sara Harvey on the show’s sixth season—about her thoughts on this forever farewell.
“I always thought it would be cool if A was one of the liars, so I enjoyed the twist of Spencer’s twin. Also, hey sneaky! I wasn’t surprised because the show is full of unpredictability. To be surprised would be silly—like duh—did you think it was going to be obvious?” laughs Davis. “I remember everything [about working on PLL] because it’s an experience that was to be fully absorbed. It certainly shifted my life in a positive direction and helped me grow a lot. I recall my excitement driving to the lot and being wired when I got home from night shoots. I am this way with most jobs, although the devotion of the PLL fan base was additionally fulfilling. It hasn’t hit me that PLL has ended because I think the appreciation from the fans will sustain itself.”
It appears that the show decided to drop a bombshell before going out for good: Spencer’s secret evil twin named Alex (Bellisario played both characters, and with a British accent for the latter). This rattled the cages of some online fans: “Did the writers throw a dart at the wall to come up with that storyline?” We at Anthem HQ admittedly never followed PLL, but that’s seriously what it looks like from the outside. We’ll leave the complexities of the revelation for fans to chew on…
So back to our alum: What can we expect from the model/actress in the future? “You can expect more creepy and mysterious characters like Sara moving forward. Honestly, I hope to stay connected with the fans because there is much I’m working on that I want to share with them.”
Anthem met up with Davis for a revealing photoshoot in New York City. These are her Vital Stats:
NAME: Dre Davis
HOMETOWN: Cornwall, Connecticut
FAVORITE HAUNT IN THE CITY YOU CALL HOME: I am all over the map in [New York City], but I do love boxing on the piers and walking across the bridges to Brooklyn. It’s very difficult for me to remain still, but New York provides much for me to explore.
FAVORITE NIGHTSPOT IN THE CITY YOU CALL HOME: My bed? It’s rare for me to be out past 9:30. Work is the only thing that can keep me up without complaint.
FAVORITE LIVING AUTEUR: I love Wes Anderson’s offbeat characters, which come across refreshingly honest. His movies always look like a painting to me. I also love David Lynch because, duh.
HOTTEST DEAD ICON: Oh man, why did Chris Farley have to go. His comedy was an appreciated escape when I was a child. Comedy is a great way to get through it all. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was heartbreaking for me as well. I never understood why when I never met him. He had that effect.
BEST RECENT PURCHASE: Olaplex. I’m really into hair care, suddenly. I don’t love to shop. Having possessions kind of freaks me out.
CHOICE VICE: Coffee! We will never part from each other. I recently quit drinking and I feel generally happy and energized. So, we’ll see how long that lasts…
LAST THREE MOVIES YOU’VE SEEN: Get Out, 13th, and Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer. I love docs.
BEST ALL-TIME PERFORMANCE IN A MOVIE: It’s impossible to choose the best, but the first to come to mind is Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under the Influence. Also, Cate Blanchett in Notes on a Scandal—and everything else she’s been in.
NECESSITIES YOU NEVER TRAVEL WITHOUT ON SHOOTS: Melatonin, my hair pills, and my computer. Lots of drugs, man!!!
MUST-SEE TV: Orange is the New Black, The Girlfriend Experience, and most doc miniseries.
YOUR HOME IS BURNING DOWN, WHAT ARE YOU TAKING WITH YOU? That’s easy, my computer. I could never abandon my writing. It’s a good thing I don’t have a child because that would probably be second?
BEST ADVICE YOU’VE RECEIVED: Your talent is your best friend. Also, “Protect your time,” because I don’t know if the first is advice, so much as a self–absorbed statement.
WTF ON-SET MOMENT: So cheesy, but every second on set is a gift that I try to never be like wtf. Oh, except that time the camera was stolen and we had to push production!
SOMETHING MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU: I went to Parsons School of Design for two years and recently completed my second novel.
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