Hercules & Love Affair finally started playing shows in the States in July with a debut at Brooklyn's Studio B. Despite being conceived of as Andrew Butler's musical brainchild in 2004, the group didn't get a full band (an eight-piece, no less) together until after the eponymous LP had been finished. Of course, when the D.F.A. Records roster member announced it'd be making its second live appearance in the U.S. in our base of operations, we couldn't resist but present the show—and throw one of the best dance after-parties of the Summer at MJ's.
The video in the media player to the right is testament to the good times the band, the magazine, and the audience in attendance had. We got interviews with Butler and Nomi, one of the two vocalists, plenty of concert footage, and some great montages from the DJ sets at MJ's. Check the whole thing out in high resolution at our Vimeo page!
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